Congratulations on the trip!! That sounds really exciting and I hope you have a wonderful time. 🖤

I agree that packing some comfy indoor clothes is vital. It's easy to forego them, thinking you'll be out exploring and won't need them, but then comes a rainy afternoon or a day when you want to stay in and recharge and suddenly those indoor clothes are exactly what you need.

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Thank you! Most of my trips since the pandemic have been centered around visiting family and relatives, so it feels strange to be planning a (work) holiday to a foreign country for the first time in ages. Very excited.

And so true about the importance of indoor clothes, especially with the advice I've been getting about expecting wet weather!

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Hi, Italian fellow here (Milan area). it's not such a nightmare for overturism here, expecially during those rainy days. Just be carefull abouth weather since Emilia Romagna has some difficult over last month. But it's a less crowded region than Toscana or Lazio. Of course Florence and Rome are a bit more challenging, and even Venice, but well you can surely enjoy your time here. Don't miss Modena, Parma Piacenza and their castles!!

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Can I convince you to come to Berkeley next year ? You guys can borrow our backpacking gear for your hikes.

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Oh that's actually a distinct possibility..we almost decided to go to northern California because my husband's employer was doing an offsite in Seattle. But we felt the call of pasta and parmesan. If we make it California I will definitely let you know!

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As a European (albeit from a colder country than Italy) I feel compelled to add - bring another pair of shoes. I assume your Birks are for indoors and sneakers for outdoors - it tends to rain in Europe in November and December, so a second pair of shoes could be a life saver :) Blundstone-type boots are a godsend in those colder months, and I tend to live both in them and in my New Balances the entire fall/winter season. Have a nice trip! :)

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Thank you for the tip, I really appreciate it as I don't have a lot of insight into the weather at that time of the year! My sneakers are leather and pretty reliable in downpours based on my past experiences, but you're right in that a second pair of shoes would be useful. I don't own any Blundstones (shocking, for someone living in Australia) but maybe it's time!

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I‘d say the same about an extra pair of shoes. I live in Germany but I’ve been to Rome around the same time of the year and would rather skip the birks and bring a warmer and more closed shoe. I’d also choose an ankle boot with a thick sole which could also go with an extra pair of socks, if needed. I don’t think it needs to be all waterproof, just not too delicate. With another pair you could let it dry overnight and switch in between the shoes if one pair gets wet. You could always buy this extra pair in Italy though. Congratulations on your trip! Thanks for letting us know - enjoy!

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Enjoy your trip! I'm a huge fan of carry-on only packing (as Josanne suggested, keeping the heaviest clothes e.g. coat, boots etc out of the suitcase and wearing them is a good idea though maybe not if your first stop out of australia is Singapore), and honestly it's far better to go and live in a place you've always wanted to visit for a month when you have the chance, than pass it up out of guilt over other people's behaviour like you said.

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Thank you! Yeah I'm trying to avoid flying to Singapore wearing winter clothing but needs must and all.

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This is amazing!!!! Thank you for sharing. Have a great time!

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I’m impressed with your packing, and hope you have a wonderful time in Italy! My only advice might be to pack an umbrella and maybe another sweater - it might not rain at all on your trip, but when it does rain in Italy it tends to be end-of-days stuff!

And don’t feel guilty about traveling - it’s true that places have become overcrowded, but Italy very much welcomes and depends on travelers - and the good thing is that you don’t have to go to some social-media-hyped place to eat well, as a rule if you eat in local restaurants you’ll eat wonderfully!

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Thank you! I'm keen to see what Italy is like now, my last trip was over 10 years ago and I'm interested to see how places have evolved.

An umbrella is definitely on the list, I never travel without one and I feel like it's a lucky charm...if I bring it I won't need it haha.

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Wrap the bulky sweater around your neck or waist on the plane!

Safe and fun travels!

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Will definitely do that if I have to...for now I'm hoping it;s just the sweatshirt for the plane!

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Here’s to a wonderful time!

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Thank you!!

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Hi! Yes I saw the news last month, I hope things have improved. Thanks for the advice, I am very looking forward to the trip!

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I don't have the opportunity to pack much but I find it so satisfying when I get the chance to - like a little puzzle to solve and how rewarding it feels when I wear and feel good about everything that I packed! I love reading your insights on packing, and I am delighted you recorded a video - so satisfying to see everything packed away! I hope you have an amazing trip :) An extended stay in an interesting place seems like the best way to experience it

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Reading this reminded me of some of the posts I discovered on your blog years ago (like when you backpacked South America). Hope you have a fun trip!

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